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This site contains some of the recent engineering projects of Arend-Paul Spijkerman. The URL to bookmark is http://home.planet.nl/~APSpijkerman/ The frontpage is also reachable as www.APSDev.com
News has moved to the Front Page.
Merlin web browser Stampdock software Merlin sequencer Merlin video deliverance app vTuner internet radio software Violin game software Airport software
Amiga page Contains some of my Amiga application like: The trion BBS system. The Merlin control system.
AmigaDE page Contains some of my AmigaDE application like: The crystal library.
AmigaOne page
Pegasos page
Palm pilot page
Macintosh page
Windows page
Robot page Contains some pictures of my robot.
Basic stamp page Contains some information how to use stamps on breadboards.
Scenix SX page Contains some information how to use SX chips on breadboards.
Copyright 2001 by Arend-Paul Spijkerman