My pentium development machine |
This is my PC, it has removable harddisks so it can run a number of different systems.
I have a harddisk with Suse linux, which i use to run AmigaDE, and a couple of harddisks with Win98 and Win2000.
It was build by Computer City. The Amiga dealer for the BeNeLux. |
Note that the internal harddisk is not bootable, it is only ment for data. |
Specs: - AOpen AX59Pro motherboard Info
- AMD K6-2 500 mhz processor Info
- 128 MB SDRAM
- Matrox G400 Dual head 32 MB videoboard Info Upgrade
- Soundblaster Live! 1024 Info
- 10/100MB Ethernet card
- Adaptec 2930U SCSI card Info (not part of the amiga specs)
- Yamaha CRW8424S CDrewriter (8/4/24) (not part of the amiga specs)
- 100 Mb internal HD (data) (original seagate from the A4000)
- Quantum Fireball 15 GB (linux) and 20 GB (win) external harddisks
- 40 Speed CDrom
- Pinnacle Studio PCTV Pro video in board Info Upgrade (not part of the Amiga specs)
- Vikings La Mer 300 speakers Info
The setup has slighty changed, the CDrw is now in an external SCSI case so it can be used on Amiga and others, it is replaced by a ZIP drive in a shuttle. So files can be exchanged more easily between Blue Box, Mac and Amiga. |